Monday, March 18, 2013

Digital Storytelling

Digital Storytelling is the use of a computer or another type of technology to create digital stories. You combine videos, pictures, audio and much more to create this story on the computer. Every story has to start off with a specific topic. We are almost always trying to get our point across. Digital Storytelling allows us to do so on the computer. The topics that we use in the classroom range from anything the teacher or students choose. We try to keep our stories not to long, between 2-10 minutes. It is also available for any teacher and can be used at any grade level.

I think digital storytelling can be a fun and very educational technique to use in my classroom. Every student learns different so this will enable the students who have to hear and see something explained all in one. Its much more than this. The students can take leadership roles when making videos. Of course a student will never be videotaped or photographed for educational purposes unless the parent allows me to do so. I think this is a fun way to get my students engaged in the classroom.

I have more information in my Notes.

Also view myActivity Plan and Story board