Monday, April 29, 2013


If you want to view my Student's Blog you can  preview our intro to the project. This is just an example. The lighting and sound is not good but I just wanted to try it out. DO NOT THINK this is our final product. We will have that up soon :)

Session 7&8 make up.

This is the video that goes over my unit plan. In the classroom we were talking about different types of transportation. I thought it would be cool to create a simple video over it :)

Research with students

For the research part of the session we looked on the web for information regarding to horses. This was a good subject to work on because the students are raising and racing their own horses at their home. We looked up any information they wanted to know on the KWL chart. One of the students (younger brother) was not there for our first session but he will be included in the movie we are making. We have already tried out video recording and they seemed to like it. This is very new to them including the computer part. They are not ever really on the computers, but they are always on the ipad so I explained that it is very similar (considering I have an apple computer). I am very excited to get the final product done because this will also inform my classmates about basic information on horses.

Our essential question is
What is a life of an animal like?
What are basics of a horses life cycle?
Unit Q:
How long does a horse live?
What is a horses life like?

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Student blog

I am going to be working with two students who live in my hometown. They have horses at their house so we will be looking more into detail about horses. They have developed questions to learn about throughout our sessions. This is their first time ever doing a blog so I will be helping them throughout the way. I have good ideas for a movie and can't wait to get it going.

Students blog

Monday, April 8, 2013


Copyright is a very important and huge factor now a days. As educators we need to be aware and sure that we properly use materials using copyright.

    • Fair Use checklist
      • Purpose (of the work)
      • Nature (of the work)
      • Amount (of the use)
      • Effect (on market)
Always cite your sources.
Always give credit to the places or people you find information.

Copyright Notes

Thursday, April 4, 2013


I am still messing with the excel format and trying to become familiar with it again. I have not used it since I was a freshman in High School. This can become very fun once you get the hang of it. But can also be a little challenging once you are put to work. Wedding Planner